Royal Air Forces Association
Hartlepool Branch 0637
100 Marine Drive
TS24 0DT
Branch Committee Meetings are held on the second Monday of each Month (except December) at 6-30pm Social Meet starts at 7-00pm
We meet at:
Ye Olde Durham’s Club
St Aidan’s Street
Hartlepool   TS25 1SN
Free street parking at the rear
Click for Map
Branch Charity Registration Number 231584
0790 - 787 - 4654
Website Survey your views matter please complete our survey just click on the pictue above
Contact Hartlepool RAFA
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Amethyst Charity Hosting
      The Annual General Meeting will take  place on the 10 February 2025
The RAF Association (RAFA) is a membership organisation of serving and former members of the Royal Air Force, their families and dependents and all those supporting the aims of the Association.
The Branch would welcome more ex RAF personnel and people who would be interested in supporting the Branch in attending social events or assisting with collections in various locations.  The Branch now covers from Seaham in the North to Whitby in the south excluding Stockton

Who We Are

Need Help, Advice or Support?

You do not need to be a member to receive our help. It is estimated  that there are around 2.4 million ex-service people, some 33,000  currently in uniform and an increasing number of reserve forces. This  group, their families, dependants under 18 years old and dependants with a disability over 18 years old are all eligible for assistance from the RAF Association.
With a UK-wide caseworker network of over 540 volunteer Honorary  Welfare Officers undertaking almost 13,000 welfare visits annually, help ranges from simply providing conversation and friendship to preparing  and submitting application forms for financial assistance.
We support the whole Air Force family, providing welfare and care to all serving and former members of The Royal Air Force and their dependents. Our network of Honorary Welfare Officers, supported by Area Welfare Officers and a Welfare Department at CHQ provide support and friendship and, where appropriate, can also “signpost” you to other agencies for assistance
A big thank you to all who supported  Wings Appeal 2023  the Branch did not set a target and on the closure of of Wings Appeal 2023   we raised sum of £5113.  The Branch Chairman and committee would like to thank everybody who supported us.  Special thanks must go to  our Wings Appeal Co-ordinator Mr David Stacey who has worked tirelessly to try to raise funds for the Appeal. 
Wings Appeal 2024 can now start.  The Branch would appreciate volunteers to assist in collections in the future.  A couple of hours assisting collections would be very much appreciated
We are also asking Branch Members to assist in raising money to order Branch Wings Appeal Merchandise.  We have a Wings Appeal merchandise available for those little 'Thank You' gifts, stocking fillers and birthday presents  Just Click on the Button below for details
Making a donation on-line is the most efficient way to support the Association as it saves time and money. The gift of a donation through our online facility is not only secure but if you are a UK taxpayer an additional 20% tax bonus will be added to your donation at no cost to you
Branch Merchandise
Branch Meetings
We are now revering to our previous meetings times  on  the second Monday of the Month starting at 07:00 pm  this will be combined with a social for all members The Branch  committee meetings will commence at 6:30 pm.
Picture courtesy and copyright of Stan Laundon